Have we Cheapened Salvation?

April 19th, 2017|

I think we have cheapened the conversion decision.Not to say that is should not be as easy as Jesus said. But ” Pray this prayer” , we say- no different that the Roman church: “repeat this confession of faith and we will baptize you with sprinkling of water for eternal life “. Real faith is so much more than a prayer and it is so easy that the simple prayer has become a ritual which the unconverted heart can pray in a moment of guilt with little realization of the gravity of the decision , leaving the unconverted heart confident of eternal life with no outward change of life.

How often we watch with dismay the seed fall on the stony ground , only to germinate and die when the challenges of life require action in response to truth revealed. How often in our own lives the fruit is so long to come .But to be truly saved, you need the Spirit of God living within. Your decision is His invitation, but the conversion of the soul is the act of repudiating sin and self and clinging to Christ for life, wisdom and redemption. Anything less is  not conversion and I believe that is why we see so many fruitless decisions. May God deepen our love and dependence on Him.

Pastor Warren

Answer to Virus Spreading

March 27th, 2017|


I promised I would allow that some may suffer with lower immunities than others , and therefore the one-size-fits-all concept may not work. Avoiding germ and virus -filled areas is usually a good plan, but I still see the dangers of isolation. I am posting the web page referred to as the other side of the exposure debate .https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC1448690/. No more will be said of this.
I will say from experience that  the inner joy of fellowship with God’s people is like an immune booster . Proverbs 17:22.
Stay in fellowship with God and His people,  Brother Warren J

Church and Virus Spreading

March 24th, 2017|

     One of our members posted a concern about bringing children to church because of the germs usually picked up which are presumed to be the reason they become ill once they go home again. I had to smile because we have certainly had our bit of the same experience this year- as most families have. There seems to be more flues and viruses around this year ( maybe we say this every year ).
I believe it would be good to answer the concern in part however.
Our immune systems are taught by experience how to fight and what to be alerted over. It is like the military of a country. We fight fire with fire and try to identify and predict the enemy. If we are not able to spy on the enemy , we will get surprised and overwhelmed. Small doses of viruses actually strengthen, train and inform the immune system .Like proper immunization, it will introduce a low strength virus and get the body to be able to identify and combat the “enemy” in a time when the body can fight .
Note this from a noted research body:
 A mounting body of research suggests that exposing infants to germs may offer them greater protection from illnesses such as allergies and asthma later on in life.

This line of thinking, called the “hygiene hypothesis,” holds that when exposure to parasites, bacteria, and viruses is limited early in life, children face a greater chance of having allergiesasthma, and other autoimmune diseases during adulthood.

In fact, kids with older siblings, who grew up on a farm, or who attended day care early in life seem to show lower rates of allergies.

Just as a baby’s brain needs stimulation, input, and interaction to develop normally, the young immune system is strengthened by exposure to everyday germs so that it can learn, adapt, and regulate itself, notes Thom McDade, PhD, associate professor and director of the Laboratory for Human Biology Research at Northwestern University.

 I do however, encourage those with colds and flues that are in a contagious stage with coughing and sneezing to consider others and either refrain or stay home until the symptoms are less likely to infect others. However, a few sniffles and colds that train the immune system make for healthy adults later who are able to interact with the general population well and have a strong enough immune system to deal with it. We went through our routine of sicknesses with our family and now as a rule ,most flues are very short lived and mild as adults. Very few end up with ER
      Consider this when you are dealing with the flues and colds in your family. It will pay off in the long run and you are doing your kids a favour letting them get exposed to some.
                                             Hope it helps you feel better about the battle,
Brother Warren Jones